Friday, October 29, 2010

a beautiful day

A wonderful day to ride! Nice and sunny. I've got most of the parts to get the Ibis on the road - all except the brakes. I should have them by next weekend and the bike should be finished by then!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Another crash

Ah..........Monday! Here's a link to an unfortunate accident - interesting spin by the police. The bicyclist “disobeyed a traffic control device” before crashing into the car just before 5 p.m., according to detective Jim Strovink, a spokesman for the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office. As one of the commenters note, there isn't ANY device at that corner( see for yourself), so no, the rider wasn't at fault but he's sure the one who gets hurt. Love the comments as well.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

this sucks!

Just read this story a moment ago. They rent a bike and don't ride it - well that's funny, instead they hitch a ride on a trolley that promptly runs over the rental bike! Now the rental company won't take the bike back (renters out 300 bucks) AND the trolley owners won't pay up for running the bike over. Now the renters have no more money to enjoy their vacation!

New pictures of the Ibis!!!!!

Here it is..........

Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Ibis!!!!!!!!


I spotted an Ibis Avion on craigslist yesterday and today I bought it! I'll put pictures up soon - it's a little rusty, but it'll work. Oh yeah, nice couple of rides yesterday and today!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

a short week

Sick a couple of days, only did 17 miles each day for the last two............(didn't want to tackle the hill), AND I almost got ran over by some dude texting while cycling! Hopefully I can get back in to the groove next week and get some miles in!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I love this one........

Here's a sticky situation - you're riding down the road and a van gets a little too close to you (in your opinion). What do you do? Well...........this guy decides to catch up to the van and spit in the passengers face. Things deteriorate rapidly. Read the link, and enjoy. BTW, I love the comments on this.