Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Almost a double clubbing!

I almost got hit by consecutive cars this morning. It's dark when I ride in the morning, and since the road sensor doesn't work I usually ride over to the cross-walk. Unfortunately, the intersection is so big that cars turning left have a hard time seeing someone using the cross-walk (unless they actually look) even though I've got a yellow jacket so bright it rivals the sun.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures of the Ibis up tomorrow - I've got to take pictures of the box UPS sent me yesterday with some missing parts!

Monday, November 8, 2010


This is too much.............a must read I found on the bike snob today.  It's so amazing I can't comment............

Friday, November 5, 2010

Yea! a stabbing!

I take this route every day. Looks like I better "pack" something! A beautiful week to ride though, I think next week is going to be a little rainy.

The Ibis is done, but I haven't tested it nor take pictures. Hopefully next week I can do that - We're going clamming today!