Friday, February 18, 2011

new frame!

I picked up a new frame today - the dirtiest frame yet! PLUS it's got a broken deraillure hangar, but that's okay - I got it mostly for parts. check it out!

It has 105 brakes, and handle bars and brake levers, so that's good - how about that hangar? looks like it got broke recently - that sucks! Now it gives me an excuse to go out and get an ENO hub!

All that black stuff is brake junk.

Now if I could just fix that hangar!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

the crank's bad..........


I picked up a junk Gary Fisher a few weeks ago (made in China) and it's been a struggle. I changed all the cables and the rear V-brake and fixed an old rear wheel I had lying around, and I got on it and rode a few feet and realized the bottom bracket was loose. I took the crank arm off, and my crappy bottom bracket tool won't fit right, so I've got to order a new (or better) one. So, a week or so later, with a nice park tool bottom bracket later, I should have the bike ready to give to one of the kids, and he better appreciate it!

A great couple of weeks of riding - a bit cool but at least I got a couple of full rides in during January! Almost had my first one in february on friday but wimped out.

Haven't even started on Dad's bike yet - I'm looking into a complete bike tomorrow, so maybe this will be real easy!